Health Services » Procedures


Health Guidelines for School Attendance Doctor’s Note

If a student has a health condition that requires accommodations or modifications to physical activities while on campus (i.e. PE), the parent/guardian shall provide a note from a physician (M.D. or D.O.) which specifies the expected symptoms, duration of time (beginning and end date) for the accommodations/modifications, and any interventions needed during the school day for that time period. The use of durable medical equipment for student transport such as wheelchairs, crutches, or scooters, during school hours, must be accompanied by a physician’s note stating the reason and duration of the use of equipment on school grounds for the safety of students and staff.
Health Office

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm excluding holidays and student breaks (Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter, & Spring). Our Health Services Technician at West Ranch is Mr Tony Prieto.

Contact Information:
  • Phone: 661-222-1220, extension 114
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Location: Main Administration Building
When a child becomes ill at school, they will receive every care and consideration. Parents/guardians will be contacted. With so many students and little space in the health office, we ask for your full cooperation in picking up a sick child in a reasonable amount of time. We do not have the accommodations for a child to remain in the health office for an extended period of time and will generally direct the student to return to class after approximately fifteen (15) minutes. However, if they are deemed quite ill, they need to be picked up as soon as possible. If a parent/guardian is not able to pick up their student, alternate arrangements may be made with the Health Services Technician to release the student to another adult. It is our mission to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students.
The District’s policy on Health Guidelines for School Attendance is attached below for your reference.
Students are expected to participate in class activities each day. The program is designed to allow students access to some physical education activities even when circumstances (such as health reasons) prevent normal participation. The following procedures will be implemented when circumstances arise which prevent regular P.E. participation.

When a student is excused from participation in specific regular P.E. activities:
  • The student will participate in the regular activity on a limited basis as determined by the student’s health condition, or
  • The student will dress, stretch and walk, or
  • The student will dress, stretch and assist in the managing of a P.E. activity
When a student is excused from dressing and participating in all regular P.E. activities due to a doctor’s
  • The student will do a written P.E. assignment and complete a follow-up activity When a student fails to bring the proper P.E. uniform:
  • The student will be loaned a replacement uniform for the day and will participate in the normal daily activities
  • Replacement uniforms will not be provided for long term use
When a student does not participate in specific regular P.E. activities because the student claims illness
or health disability:
  • The student will be asked to dress, stretch and participate in limited activity, and bring a parent/guardian note the next school day verifying the excuse so that full grade points can be earned.
  • The student who is not able to stretch and participate in limited activity will be asked to do a written assignment and bring a note from a parent/guardian the next day verifying the excuse so that full grade points may be earned.
  • The teacher may refer the student to the health office or counselor when the teacher believes the student needs medical attention or when the student frequently does not participate in regular P.E. activities.
All Physical Education (P.E.) or athletic non-participation notes MUST be turned into the HEALTH OFFICE as soon as the student arrives at school. P.E./non-participation notes SHOULD NOT be given to the P.E. teacher or sport coaches.
  • A parent/guardian note may excuse a student from participating for a maximum of three (3) consecutive days. Any note excusing the student for more than three (3) consecutive days must be from a physician. The note should
    • Specify the type of activity (or activities) the student should be excused from performing (such as running, jumping, heavy lifting, heavy physical exertion, using left arm, etc.)
    • State the reason the student needs to be excused from specific activity
    • Student excused from P.E. will be required to dress, stretch and participate in limited activity unless the parent/guardian or physician requests the student be excused from these activities due to the health concern.
  • A student requesting to be excused from dressing or regular participation in excess of 21 days per quarter will be referred to a counselor. The health technician will receive the student’s P.E. excuse, make a copy and send the student with the note to their counselor for further assistance.
ALL medications required a district medication form to be completed by a parent/guardian and physician. This form is available on the District website or from the school’s health office. When completed, the form MUST be returned to the health office.
Any student found with medication at school without the appropriate form(s) on file in the health office, will have the medication confiscated with release only to a parent/guardian.
It is the practice of the William S. Hart UHSD that no employee give medication to a student. Whenever possible, parents/guardians should enlist their physician’s cooperation wot work out a schedule which will eliminate the necessity of administering medication at school. However, under special circumstances, when school attendance of a child is contingent upon uninterrupted medication necessitating a dose during the school day, and when the physician having responsibility for the medical care of the child makes specific recommendation, an exception may be made. In such a case the following procedure must be followed:
  1. Deliver the school a completed district medication form from the physician detailing the method, amount, and time schedules the specified medication is to be taken.
  2. Provide a written statement from the parent or legal guardian requesting the school district o assist the student according to the physician’s statement.
  3. Assure that each medication is in its original container, clearly labeled, with the student’s full name, the physician’s name and phone number, the name of the medication, dosage, schedule, and date of expiration of this prescription.
  4. Inform the school when any medication change is made. This includes a change in the type or nature of medication, as well as a change in the dosage of medication.
  5. Deliver to either the school health technician or the district nurse only the medication to be administered. The parent or legal guardian should carefully monitor the amount of medication which is sent to school and when the medication is running low, should make arrangements to replace it.
  6. If appropriate, provide a completed self-administration medication form signed by the parent/guardian and the physician who authorizes the student’s self-administration of medication. Under no circumstances will school personnel be responsible for obtaining medication for any student. This procedure was established to protect your child and to avoid the sharing of medication among students.
Under no circumstances will school personnel be responsible for obtaining medication for any student. This procedure was established to protect your child and to avoid the sharing of medication among students.
If your student gets ill while on campus – especially when in class – please encourage your student to let their teacher know they feel sick and request to go to the Health Office. Our well-trained Health Services Technician will provide the best care possible for your child and is the quickest way to facilitate release into your care as expeditiously as possible.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has released new guidelines for school attendance, see below for more information or click here