

Database Password  help: you will need a Hart District email address:Password Help
West Ranch Library Catalog  type a title, author or subject search to find a book, ebook or other materials available to check out with ID.

Gale Infotrac offers a wide array of information from books, newspapers and journals including images. The college/career database offers AP, ACT and SAT practice tests as well as scholarship and financial aid links. Gale databases include: Biography, FineArts & Music, U.S. History, World History, Opposing Viewpoints, Science, Virtual Reference Library, Student Resource, Global Issues and Testing & Education. You can power search or choose individual ones and browse topics.

ProQuest Products: open link to open CultureGrams and SIRS Knowledge Source.
CultureGrams: Concise, reliable, and up-to-date country, state and Canadian province reports delivering the world.
SIRS Issues Researcher: Leading issues: Including topics in these categories: Business & Economics, Civil Rights & Liberties, Communication & Technology, Crime & Punishment, Drugs, Health & Wellness,  Ethics,School Family & Youth, World Culture & Politics, 

World Book Encyclopedia---Choose: WORLD BOOK ADVANCE - Every search is integrated with thousands of Primary Source Documents, personal save to research area (includes notes, articles, videos, back in time articles organized into specified areas), Timelines (build you own timeline, edit your timeline, or view timeline in document form), Citation Builder
Encyclopedia Brittannica-- Get quick facts and in-depth information on a wide variety of subjects; multimedia and much more.Images are available for almost any topic, just click the arrow link.
Brittannica Escolar--Encuentra respuestras rapidas y ayuda con la tarea; Explora los videos y articulos sobre personas y lugares famosos; Descubre mapas;  fotos e illustraciones para proyectos escolares
Salem Literature
Salem Literature is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets. Students can search by Genres, Geographical Locations, Authors names, or Works by Title. exceptional books that reflect diverse cultural experiences, interests, and ability levels; Obtain resources paired with your book titles that further reading enjoyment, contextual knowledge, and educational relevance; Share resources with everyone in your community via easy-to-use flyers, emails, texts, embeddable links, and social media
Turnitin -Identifies ten types of  plagiarism, offers teacher feedback; "Lay the foundation for original thinking, authentic writing, and academic integrity practices that will last a lifetime." 

California Digital NewspaperCollection is a link to 200,000 pages of San Francisco newspapers from 1850-1910 with extensive coverage of state and national issues. 100,000 pages a year will be added as funding permits. The geographical and chronical scope of the Collection gives access to the rich record of California 's past.
Folger Shakespeare Library --digital texts from Shakespeare's plays meticulously accurate  Free download for non commercial Shakespeare projects.
EBSCO  - Staff access to  eBook Collection and K-8 eBook Collection
J Paul GETTY   Resources which include free images to download, access to complete digital art history texts, rare books and related literature and more