AP Comp Sci A 2019-2020-Period 1 Assignments

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All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom for the duration of the Distance Learning experience. Please continue to check Google Classroom regularly. Assignments will be generally put in Google Classroom on Mondays with a due date of the following Monday, but additional support information including videos of the online sessions may be added during the week.
Online Sessions will be held on Monday and Wednesday Afternoons using Zoom. Check Google Classroom or your email for the login information.
Friday Morning Office Hours will be held by email and on Zoom from 9am until noon


Frog Simulation and Cookie Order Analysis in Google Classroom

Frog Simulation and Cookie Order Analysis

Using the attached scoring rubrics, score your answers for the two FRQs from last week.
Create a new Google Doc. Paste your answers in the Doc followed by your analysis
For each possible point explain why you believe that you do or do not earn the point.


Robot and Sound FRQs in Google Classroom

Robot and Sound FRQs

Complete the Robot and Sound FRQs in AP Classroom. Make sure that you keep a copy of your code for analysis.


CodingBat 4 in Google Classroom

CodingBat 4

Complete 20 exercised from the AP-1 set in CodingBat


Celebrity Lab in Google Classroom

Celebrity Lab

Using the files in the Celebrity Lab Files resource in Google Classroom, complete activities 1-4 in the Student Guide.
record your answers to the prompts in a Google Doc. At this time, I am not anticipating asking you to turn in the answers, but we will discuss them in online sessions. If students do not engage in the discussions, I may ask for the documents to be turned in.

The completed code at the end of part 4 will be submitted through this Google Classroom assignment


FRQ Practice: Frog Simulation and Cookie Order in Google Classroom

FRQ Practice: Frog Simulation and Cookie Order

Complete the practice FRQ problems FrogSimulation and CookieOrder


CodingBat 3 in Google Classroom

CodingBat 3

Array-1: 15 problems (Total of 25)
Array-2: 15 problems (Total of 25)


CodingBat 2 in Google Classroom

CodingBat 2

As part of our online learning, we will review some concepts through codingBat. The next codingBat assignments will continue to review String functions, conditionals, and loops.

String-2: 10 exercises for a total of 20 completed
Logic-2: 9 exercises
String-3: 11 exercises


CodingBat 1 in Google Classroom

CodingBat 1

As part of our online learning, we will review some concepts through codingBat. The first two codingBat assignments will review String functions and conditionals.

String-1: 15 exercises for a total of 25 completed
Logic-1: 15 exercises for a total of 25 completed



Monetary Coin Programming Project:
Design and implement a class called MonetaryCoin that is derived from the Coin class located in the common folder. Create an instance data variable in the MonetaryCoin that stores its value and add a method that returns ts value. Create a main driver class to instantiate ten coins. Flip each coin, print the value and face of the coin and then print the sum of the coins that show heads. Do not replicate any data or methods from the Coin class in the MonetaryCoin class.


Monetary Coin in Google Classroom

Monetary Coin

Attach completed MonetaryCoin File to this assignment and submit when done.

The base Coin class file is attached


Distance Learning Information in Google Classroom

Distance Learning Information

Please answer these survey questions about the device that you are using for Distance Learning



Deck of Cards - Inheritance - EuchreDeck
Euchre is a card game that uses a modified deck of cards that only has the 9,10,J,Q,K,A of each suit. The ace is the highest value card. Each hand, a trump suit is selected. All cards of the trump suit have a higher value than any other suit. The Jack of the trump suit is the highest value card. The Jack of the other suit of the same color is the second highest value card.
Create a EuchreDeck class that extends DeckOfCards. Create a setTrumpSuit method that changes the values of the cards to match the rules above. The setTrumpSuit method should receive a suit as a parameter. If necessary, you may add a setValue() method to your Card class or you can change the value by replacing the card with a new card with the updated value. Create a main method to make a EuchreDeck, set its trump suit, and deal and print all cards that have a value at least that of the Nine of the trump suit.


Deck of Cards - Inheritance - EuchreDeck in Google Classroom

Deck of Cards - Inheritance - EuchreDeck



Deck of Cards - Inheritance - WarDeck
Create a subclass of your Deck called WarDeck. The WarDeck class creates a standard 52 card deck with the Ace having the highest value descending to the 2 having the lowest value.
Create a GameOfWar class that has a WarDeck as the main deck instance data and two additional WarDeck instance data for player 1 and player 2.
  • Write a constructor that creates the main WarDeck and two empty player WarDecks and then deals 26 cards to each player deck.
  • Write a playRound that compares the top card of each player deck, places both cards at the bottom of the deck with the highest value card, and display the result showing which card each player dealt, who won the round, and how many cards are in each players deck after the round. If there is a tie, each player deals three face down cards and then compares the next card as a normal round. If a player runs out of cards, they lose the game.
  • Write a main method that creates the GameOfWar object and then plays the game with user input after each hand to continue. When one player runs out of cards, display an end game message.
  • Modify the main method so that the game plays 10 rounds before asking for user input.


Deck of Cards - Inheritance - GameOfWar in Google Classroom

Deck of Cards - Inheritance - GameOfWar

Click Mark as Done when the Game of War project is complete



Runestone Interactive
wrcsawesome: Assignment Inheritance 1



Inheritance Practice-IT
Self-Check 9.3, 9.8, 9.9
Exercises 9.4, 9.9, 9.10, 9.11
Exercises 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 (The common folder has a folder called Law Firm Classes that holds the base classes needed for these projects)



ArrayList - Deck of Cards
Create a Card class that has instance data for suit, face, and value. The class needs a constructor that accepts the three values as parameters and methods for getSuit(), getFace() and getValue() as well as a toString() method that prints the card.
Create a Deck class that uses an ArrayList to store a standard 52 card deck of Card objects. Have a no parameter constructor that uses nested for loops to create the cards and add them to the ArrayList. The class needs methods to get the number of cards remaining, to shuffle the deck, and to deal a card from the top of the deck.


ArrayList - Deck of Cards in Google Classroom

ArrayList - Deck of Cards

Click Mark as Done when finished



ArrayList Practice-IT
BJP4 Self Check 10.2, Exercises 10.2-10.17



Runestone Interactive
wrcsawesome assignment: Searching and Sorting (Skip 7.5.4)



Runestone Interactive
Log in to Runestone and click on the Enroll in a Course button
change the course title box to "wrcsawesome" and click Apply Changes
Complete the "Arraylists 1" assignment in the wrcsawesome book


Consumer Review Lab in Google Classroom

Consumer Review Lab

Complete Activities 1 through 4. Attach the pdf file to this assignment



Consumer Review Lab
Copy the Consumer Review Lab Folder to your G: drive folder. Follow the directions in the student guide pdf document answering the questions in the fillable pdf.



Final Exam Review Sheet
This is a list of topics to review in preparation for the Final Exam



Unit 6 Progress Check Corrections in Google Classroom


Unit 6 Progress Check FRQ Corrections in Google Classroom

Unit 6 Progress Check FRQ Corrections



Array Programming Projects
  • CountInts: Design and implement an application that reads a number of integers that are in the range 0 to 50 inclusive and counts how many times each one is entered. After all input has been processed, print all of the values that were entered with the number of times each one was entered. The program should be able to handle any number of integer values.
  • CountInts2: Modify the CountInts program so that it works for numbers from -25 to 25.



Runestone Interactive: Unit 6 Assignment
  Array-1: 10 problems
  Array-2: 10 problems
  Array-3: 5 problems
   Self Check 7.1-7.9
   Exercises 7.1-7.18               



Hi-Lo Guessing Game

Design and implement an application that plays the Hi-Lo guessing game with numbers.  The program should pick a random number between 1 and 100(inclusive), then keep asking the user to guess a number. On each guess, report to the user that he or she is correct, guess is high, or guess is low. Keep accepting guesses until the user guesses correctly or quits. Use a zero (0) guess for the user to quit. report the number of guesses made after the user guesses correctly. Ask the user if they want to play again and either select a new random number or end the program.



Design and implement an application that reads a string from the user, then determines and prints how many of each lowercase vowel (a, e, i, o, and u) appear in the entire string. Have a separate counter for each vowel. Also, use a single variable to count and print the number of consonants, spaces, and punctuation marks.



Design and implement an application that uses iteration to print the following pattern. You will need to use multiple loops.



Runestone: Unit 4 Assignment
PracticeIt: Exercises 2.2-2.15, 5.1-5.4, 5.24
CodingBat: String-2 (10 problems)



Modify the LeapYear program so that the user can enter more than one year. As each year is entered, the program should report if it is a  leap year and then ask for another year. End the program if the user enters 0 or a negative number. When the program ends, report the number of years processed and the number of leap years found during that session.



Runestone: Unit 10-Recursion assignment
CodingBat: Recursion-1 (10 problems)
PracticeIT: BJP4 Self-Check 12.3-12.6, 12.13-12.15



Design and implement an application that reads an integer value representing a year input by the user. The purpose of the program is to determine if the year is a leap year (and therefore has 29 days in February). A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4, unless it is also divisible by 100, but not 400. The application must have a method called isLeapYear that receives the integer representing the year as a parameter and returns a boolean value. The main method of the application will handle user input and prints the result in the form "The year 1999 is not a leap year." or "The year 2016 is a leap year." Produce an error message for any input value less than 1582 (the year the Gregorian calendar was adopted.



BJP4 (4th Edition)
Self-Checks 4.2-4.6, 4.10, 4.12
Exercises 4.2-4.4, 4.12



Runestone Academy: Unit 3a assignment
Classroom discussion on this topic will start on 9/24



Warmup-1: 10 problems
Logic-1: 10 problems



AP Classroom Unit 5 Progress Checks



Scope and Static Practice
Create a new class that represents a physical object. Create appropriate instance data. Include at least one static class variable. Create at least two constructors. On one of the constructors, use the same names for the parameters that you have for your instance data. Add appropriate methods for the object. Create a main method to test the object. Be sure to test the static class variable



RunestoneAcademy: Unit 5 Assignment
PracticeIT: Self-Check 8.1-8.7, Exercises 8.14-8.22



Creating a Die class
In this assignment, you will design and implement a Die class. A single Die is one part of a pair of Dice. A Die normally has 6 sides, but more sides are possible. The purpose of a Die is to generate a random value from 1 to the number of sides of the Die object.
Design questions:
What instance data does a Die need?
You should have 2 constructors. How will they differ?
What can a Die do? For each method, what is the return type and what are the parameters?
Write the classes
Create the Die class in a Die.java file
Create a DieRunner class with a main method to test the Die class. In the main method you will create a 6 sided Die and one additional Die with the number of sides selected by the user. You will roll and display the result of each Die three times to show that it generates different random values.
Sample output:
Die has 6 sides
Roll 1 is a 4
Roll 2 is a 1
Roll 3 is a 6
Die has 14 sides
Roll 1 is a 12
Roll 2 is a 3
Roll 3 is a 9



Write an application called Average that has a main method and two helper methods. The first helper method is called average. It takes two int values as parameters and returns a double that is the average of the two values.
The second helper method is also called average (overloading). It takes three int values as parameters and returns a double that is the average of the three values.
The main method should print the result from calling each method in the form:
The average of ___ and ___ is ___.____



Thing Class Exercise
In JGrasp, Create a Thing class file.
Create 3 private instance data variables using at least two different datatypes
Create 2 constructors
Create 3 methods. At least one void method and at least one with a return type
Below the 3 methods create a main method that creates two Thing objects and tests the methods



After Logging in, go to https://practiceit.cs.washington.edu/course/list and select your class period.
Chapter 3: Parameters and Objects
Self-Check 3.2-3.9, 3.18-3.20
Exercises 3.7-3.8



CodingBat: String-1
10 Problems



Runestone Interactive: Unit 2 assignment



Syllabus Verification Form - This form must be returned with parent signature.
APCS: 20 points by due date. 15 points if late
Animation or Game Design: Productivity: 4 points by due date, 2 point if late



Runestone Interactive: Unit 1b assignment



AP Classroom: Unit 1 Progress Check parts A and B



Create accounts for each of the following websites
  1. Google Classroom:  Use the access code on the bulletin board for your class
  2. AP Classroom:  If you have an existing AP account, use it for this class, otherwise, create a new account.
  3. CodingBat: Use your hartdistrict email to create your account. In the Teacher Share box, enter "[email protected]". In the memo box enter your period number, last name, first name
    For example, "1 last, first"
  4. RunestoneInteractive: In the course name box, enter "wrAPCSa"
  5. Practice-IT: Use your hartdistrict email to create your account.



Inside the Computer Project: Describe how a computer works in two different ways. Post your descriptions in Google Classroom
Method 1: Words
Write a description of how a computer works. Do not be literal, but instead
demonstrate an understanding of the processes and logic involved in the internal
operation of the computer in non computer terms. You may not use any of the words on the restricted list below and you may only use the words “computer,” “device,” and
“system” three times each.
Restricted terms list: CPU, Central Processing Unit, Memory, RAM, ROM, Bit, Byte,
Chip, Motherboard, Drive
Method 2: Pictures
Create a pictorial representation of how a computer works. Again, do not be literal, but demonstrate an understanding of the processes and logic. You may not use pictures of actual computer components in your representation.


Inside the Computer in Google Classroom

Inside the Computer

Inside the Computer Project: Describe how a computer works in two different ways. Post your descriptions in Google Classroom
Method 1: Words Write a description of how a computer works. Do not be literal, but instead demonstrate an understanding of the processes and logic involved in the internal operation of the computer in non computer terms. You may not use any of the words on the restricted list below and you may only use the words “computer,” “device,” and “system” three times each. Restricted terms list: CPU, Central Processing Unit, Memory, RAM, ROM, Bit, Byte, Chip, Motherboard, Drive
Method 2: Pictures Create a pictorial representation of how a computer works. Again, do not be literal, but demonstrate an understanding of the processes and logic. You may not use pictures of actual computer components in your representation.



RunestoneInteractive: Unit 1a assignment