Athletics » Eligibility


California Interscholastic Federal Requirements
The California Interscholastic Federation Requirements (CIF) requires that in order to be eligible, a student must have passed the equivalent of 20 semester credits of new work the previous report period. Only one of the subjects may be physical education.
Wm. S. Hart District Requirements
A. A student shall be enrolled in and have passed a minimum of 20 semester credits of new work (a make-up class is not considered new work) with a GPA of 2.0 or higher at the grading period which determines eligibility to be academically eligible to participate in extracurricular/cocurricular activities. Only one of the subjects may be Physical Education.
B. A senior student whose earned credits exceed normal progress toward graduation may be enrolled in fewer than 20 semester credits and still participate in activities other than interscholastic athletics.
C. The GPA shall be computed using all classes in which the student is enrolled at the grading period which determines eligibility.
D. Students enrolled in courses offered on a variable unit of credit basis must have attained the total of 20 semester credits at the conclusion of the semester to remain eligible for the following quarter.
E. Credits and grades earned in alternative schools or programs for which school credit is granted shall be combined with credits and grades earned in the comprehensive school to compute the grade requirements as specified in A and B above.
F. Summer school credit shall be counted toward making up scholastic deficiencies incurred in the grading period immediately preceding. These grades shall be combined with the preceding quarter’s grades to compute the GPA. This shall apply to all activities covered by these regulations. In the event a class is repeated, the grade will be replaced if the grade is higher in the course taken in summer school. A course repeated in summer school will eliminate the course grade given when it was taken the first time in determining GPA for eligibility, if the repeated class is the exact class taken during the previous fourth quarter grade report. At no time may a student count more than the allowable one class of Physical Education for the combined preceding grading period and summer school work. Summer school courses failed shall not impair a student’s eligibility achieved in the grading period preceding.
G. Period of Eligibility – Academic
  1. The fourth quarter (second semester) of the previous school year determines eligibility for the first quarter of the current school year.
  2. The first quarter grades determine eligibility for the second quarter.
  3. The second quarter grades (first semester grades) determine eligibility for the third quarter.
  4. Third quarter grades determine eligibility for the fourth quarter.
H. Grade Checks
The principal will certify extracurricular/cocurricular eligibility within three school days after the end of the grading period and will notify the appropriate coaches and advisors. The principal, or administrative designee, will verify eligibility at the conclusion of the last school day of the progress reporting period of any grading quarter.
I. Length of Ineligibility
  1. When a student is ruled ineligible by failing to meet standards as established by the CIF and/or the district, that student remains ineligible through midnight of the third day of the new quarter (the exception would be a student ineligible during quarter 4 who returns to a sport in the first quarter of the following year). Grade changes (except in cases of verified teacher error) shall not affect eligibility status.
  2. Except for athletic eligibility, if the student has met the standards for eligibility as established by the school district, he/she will become eligible at midnight on the third school day after the end of the progress reporting period of a grading quarter and retain eligibility for the remainder of the quarter. For athletic eligibility there will be no change of status at the progress reporting periods. Student athletes are eligible or ineligible until the next official grade reporting period (either quarter of semester).
  3. If the student has not met the standards for eligibility as established by the school district, he/she will remain ineligible for the remainder of that grading quarter and three school days of the following quarter.
  4. All entering 9th grade students are automatically eligible during the first quarter of the school year. If, however, a 9th grade student enters with a GPA below 2.0 on his last grade report, the principal shall assure that his/her academic progress is monitored and appropriate measures be taken to remedy any problem.
Students are required to attend all classes in which they enrolled (except those classes which must be missed because of travel time to the game or event) in order to participate in a game or event that afternoon or evening. Medical and dental appointments shall be made on days other than “participation” days. If a student must be absent for an appointment, Parents must contact the attendance office to seek administrative approval the day before the appointment to assure eligibility for the next day’s event.