Guidance & Counseling » Personal/Social/Community Resources

Personal/Social/Community Resources



Department of Rehabilitation(DOR) General Services Video.


Suicide Prevention and Awareness Resources. 


Samuel Dixon Family and Health Center. 


For more Wellness Resources visit the Hart District Wellness site.


Community Resources Guide. Click Here.


Test Anxiety and Finals. Click here for the presentation.



          Safe Rides ...... (661) 259-6330

          Alcoholics Anonymous ...... (661) 259-0802

          NCADD Nat’l Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence:

          (800) NCA-CALL  or  (800) 622-2255

          Youth Crisis Hotline ...... (800) 448-4663

          Narcotics Anonymous ...... (661) 299-5599

          Marijuana Anonymous ...... (800) 766-6779

          Cocaine Anonymous ...... (310) 559-5833

          Nicotine Anonymous ...... (800) 642-0666

          Quit Smoking Information ...... (800) 7NO-BUTT  or   (800) 766-2888     

          SCV Youth Project ......  (661) 257-9688

          ACTION Parent/Teen Support ...... (800) 367-8336



          Association for Aid to Domestic Violence, Santa Clarita ...... (661) 259-8175

          DVC Domestic Violence Center ...... (661) 259-4357

          Domestic Violence Hotline ...... (800) 978-3600

          Child Abuse Hotline L.A. County ...... (800) 540-4000

          Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline ...... (800) 4-A-CHILD  or  (800) 422-4453

          Victims of Crime Resource Center ...... (800) VICTIMS  or  (800) 842-8467

          Adv. Hotline for Incest/Sexual Assault/Rape/Battery ...... (800) 585-6231

          S.A.F.E. Alternatives ...... (800) DONT CUT   or   (800) 366-8288

                (S.A.F.E. = Self Abuse Finally Ends)



          Northeast Valley Health Center ...... (661) 287-1551     English / Español

          SCV Child & Family Center ...... (661) 259-9439

          Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline ...... (800) 227-8922

          HIV/AIDS Hotline California ...... (800) 992-2437

          HIV/AIDS Hotline Nationwide ...... (800) 367-AIDS   or   (800) 367-2437

          Línea Nacional del SIDA (En Español) ...... (800) 344-7432

          Hearing Impaired (TDD) ...... (888) 225-AIDS   or   (888) 225-2437



          Help Anorexia/Bulimia ...... (661) 255-0015



          Angel's Flight ...... (800) 833-2499    English / Español

          Emergency shelter for ages 10-17 and voluntary shelter for              runaways, homeless, and at-risk youths. All services are free.

                    Albergue para adolescentes de 10 a 17 años de edad que se han ido de casa, no tienen a donde ir o que estan en peligro. Todos los servicios son sin costo.

          Covenant House Nine Line ......  (800) 999-9999

          Children of the Night ......  (800) 551-1300

          CA Missing Children Hotline ...... (800) 222-3463

          National Missing Children Hotline ...... (800) THE-LOST   or   (800) 843-5678

          CYCL  California Youth Crisis Line ...... (800) 843-5200

          National Runaway Safeline ......  (800) 621-4000  and  (800) RUN-AWAY   or   (800) 786-2929



          Youth Crisis Hotline ...... (800) 843-5200

          SCV Child & Family Center ...... (661) 259-9439

          National Suicide Hotline  ......  (800) 273-8255

          Suicide and Crisis Lifeline...988

          New  988 Lifeline Awareness Videos. Click here for more information.

PFLAG - Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
              WHAT – A support group for parents, allies, and our LGBTQ community as they deal with the coming out process, safety                                     issues, and other matters of importance to all. See PFLAG Brochure below
             WHEN – Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7-9 pm (call to confirm that times have not changed)
             WHERE – St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
                              24901 Orchard Village Road, Valencia
CONTACT – Jennifer (661) 254-2177 or [email protected]



          We Tip Crime Hotline ...... (800) 78-CRIME   or   (800) 782-7463     English/Español

          SCV Food Pantry ...... (661) 255-9078